laissez faire. no nonsense. natty vin klub.
laissez faire. no nonsense. natty vin klub.
Wine Box 0



My Glugz!

We might be confined to our space - but let's drink 'em while we got 'em. Load up the racks and tuck in.


La Soeur Cadette - Julieanas 2018 - (LIVE TASTING - Sat 6 pm)

Are you really in isolation if you have your main pal Bojo? This is a stunning representation of what Beaujolais should be - coming from one of the 10 Crus - Julienas. Typically, Julienas is on the bolder side of Beaujolais (think Morgon). Named after Julius Cesar - ancient vineyards with granitic, volcanic and clay soils make for some powerful wines! Still floral and fruity and totally glug worthy.

We will be tasting this wine live with Miles. He'll walk through some interesting things about this wine and region and share a cheers together. Tentatively set for this Saturday at 6 pm. I will send out a followup video meeting link prior to.



Vino Lauria - Frappato 2017


Sicilian juice right here. Save it for the summer, or throw on that summer tracklist instead in iso. Frappato is from the "lean" lands of Ragusa and the distant beaches of Scoglitti - which is reason for weaker colour and lightness. Rare grapes that were once cultivated only to eat. Known in the past as the "wine of the royals". Enjoy!



Mother Rock - 'Force Celeste' Cinsault 2019 

The other down under - the first wine from South Africa. Organically dry-farmed, 30-year old bush vine cinsault made with whole bunch ferment and no oak — can you say glouglou? A crazy colour, some aromas of red twizzlers and white pepper. You might mistake this for a Cru Beaujolais... hmm... where can i get one of those to compare? 👆




Santa Venere - Cira Rosato / Gaglioppo 2018 

Some more ancient varietals here - grapes I've never heard of from regions I can't pronounce. The perfect Italian wine! I don't care what you say - Calabria reigns supreme... right Staltaris? chug chug.



Half Hours on Earth - Farmhouse Riesling Lager

K, not a wine, but there some reisling in here somehwere. These guys out in Seaforth, Ontario are doing some wacky stuff. I've had one of their beers and it 🤯... so let me know what you think.

Here's how they describe it:

"The body is light and fluffy, yet very dry. Floral hops and funk on the nose, the flavour is juicy white grapes and bit of spicy hop character. Moderate bitterness, but the Riesling addition gives the perception of a touch of sweetness and a hint of acidity. Endless drinkability."

 Ya - okay great. I'll take it.



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